© 2024
Total Sonic Media
While TSM’s business is firmly focused and dedicated to mastering, Steven Berson also has extensive experience mixing, and as our schedule permits, can possibly be available for the right project that fits our capabilities and interests. Capabilities include up to 120 simultaneous stereo channels of 24bit digital audio, a huge collection of DAW based processing plugins, as well as bus processing from our mastering caliber analog equalizers and compressors. Credits for mixing include work for Flutronix, Tom Casale, Christophe Nayel (aka DXRISTO), Invert, Inhumanoids Crew, Warlock Asylum, Acoustitronics, U4RIA, Joshua Collins, Naked Bones, Mitchell Vaillant, Encore String Quartet, Michelle Cutler, and Erik Friedlander’s score for the PBS series “Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites.” All mixing projects are quoted on a per job basis, please email us for further info.
While TSM’s business is firmly focused and dedicated to mastering, Steven Berson also has extensive experience mixing, and as our schedule permits, can possibly be available for the right project that fits our capabilities and interests. Capabilities include up to 120 simultaneous stereo channels of 24bit digital audio, a huge collection of DAW based processing plugins, as well as bus processing from our mastering caliber analog equalizers and compressors. Credits for mixing include work for Flutronix, Tom Casale, Christophe Nayel (aka DXRISTO), Invert, Inhumanoids Crew, Warlock Asylum, Acoustitronics, U4RIA, Joshua Collins, Naked Bones, Mitchell Vaillant, Encore String Quartet, Michelle Cutler, and Erik Friedlander’s score for the PBS series “Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites.” All mixing projects are quoted on a per job basis, please email us for further info.
© 2024
Total Sonic Media